Sunday, October 16, 2005

Borders, Borders, Borders! Part 2

(Note: Please read part one if you haven't already. Part 1 )

I've been talking about border issues for a while now and even I have forgotten about how the northern borders are being forgotten, and in more ways than you may think. If you have any idea how big the threat for terrorism is these days, then this information should make your head spin.

First lets go over some data.

The Canada border length is 3,987 miles long and is mostly made up of mountains prairies waterways and forests making it difficult for border patrol to catch illegals. In all of the 3,987 miles there is only 1,030 border patrol agents. Do the math and that's 3.8 miles per border agent. 3.8 miles of rough terrain mind you. Chances are, one agent would have a hard time patrolling just a quarter of a mile.

To put this all into perspective I will go over some data for the Mexico borders too.

The Mexico border is 1,951 miles of flat, high visibility land. In all of the 1,951 miles there are a total of 9,630 border patrol agents. Do the math and that's 0.2 miles per border patrol agent. About one eigth of a mile. And this 0.2 miles is all flat highly visible land.

This goes to show you the difference in security between the two borders but we still have some numbers to go over.

In a one month period of time there was 7,430 arrests on the Canada border, and 1200000 (1.2 million) arrests on the Mexico border. That means for every arrest in the Canadian border, there were 161 arrests in the Mexico border.

This could mean one of two things, either less people try to pass through the Canadian border, or less people get caught going through the Canadian border.

Judging by the numbers, the logical answer would be the latter because it is so much easier to get through the Canadian border than the Mexican. Although that is probably not true, the point is, is that it is so easy to get through the northern border.

Judging by the amount of border patrol agents and land they have to patrol there is about a 4% chance of getting caught going through the Canadian border, and about a 50% chance of getting caught going through the Mexican border. Just to put things into perspective for you, getting through the border really is that easy.

So if you were a terrorist, which border would you rather try to sneak through?


At 1:50 PM, Blogger Nightcrawler said...

I thought that word verification was supposed to get rid of this spam! Jesus!

Anyways, great post and a great point. Now, you should do a study on muslim immigration to Canada and the muslim population within Canada.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

Yes, for part three I was planning on researching both Muslim population and how hard it is to get into either Mexico or Canada.

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Gayle said...

Nightcrawler: It's not spam. C. Jordan has been to one of these blogs before. I don't remember which one; whether it was this one, or Cody's; Darsaturos or Plaid Baron's, but I believe he just liked the blog and is asking those here to participate in his. He may have had trouble expressing that, because English is not his native language. If you guys check his profile you'll recognize him.

Regarding the post, Cody: Extremely informative! You can tell you did your research. And you make a good point. I tend to worry more about the southern border too because I live in Texas, so I guess that's natural enough, but am also aware that the Canadian Border is a problem. I didn't realize that it may be more of a problem than the southern one. Food for thought!

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Nightcrawler said...

My bad! I apologize, it's just that the spam on Blogger has gotten so bad it's tough to tell sometimes.

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Nightcrawler said...

You're welcome. I like the tunes on your site too. Nice touch!

At 4:18 PM, Blogger PlaidBaron said...

I have to disagree on this one. I don't think many people want to sneak across the Canadian border.

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

But thing the is, is if they wanted to, it would be insanely easy. Do you want the Canadian border open for terrorists to sneak in through?

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

hmm, it looks like I came out sounding differently from what I meant to say. I did a little updating. Sorry about that!

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cody O'Connor said...
But thing the is, is if they wanted to, it would be insanely easy. Do you want the Canadian border open for terrorists to sneak in through?

Dude, they don't need to sneak through. Some of the 9/11 hijackers got in leggaly, though that was before 9/11.

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

So if we tighten security for our planes going in and out of here (which we are) then they will have to find an alternative way through.

I want to eliminate ALL ways of terrorists getting into America.

Not to mention, if they got in legally the FBI could couple thier name with any inteligence and might catch them. That's just one scenario, but the point is, going in legally will reduce their chances of succeding in any terrorist attack.


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