Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Scientific Reason why No one is Posting

I wrote this comment on Warzone!

It seems like whenever we make a blog with a bunch of contributors it dies quickly. Blog America has done the same.

I can explain why from a psychological point of view. It's in the nature for humans to not do something when they think someone else will do it.

Say someone is getting mugged. It's a full street. No one does anything because they are confident someone else will. Or like driving by a car broken down on the road, you expect out of all the people driving by, someone will be likely to stop so you don't have to.

The point is, is that no one is posting here because everyone expects everyone else to be busy so they don't have to be.

Make sense?

Let's get to work guys and gals. We don't want to let a once great blog die out now do we?

Maybe to go with a few posts we could have debates and discussions on different subjects and we can hear from both sides.


At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I only post when something pisses me off. I don't actually PLAN to post, I just do when I feel its neccesary.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger PlaidBaron said...

Same with me and I will admit sometimes I am just being lazy.

At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you concerned that no one listed as a contributor is posting, or are you concerned that no one reads your blog. As far as the former goes, patience and selling yourself is the key.

Of course you have to have something to sell. No blog I've ever read actually has scheduled posting, but you should try to have at least one a day if you're trying to keep it current.

Publicly admonishing your contributors for not posting (especially if you haven't been either) is probably not the way to encourage participation.

There's nothing scientific about it. It's eight contributors with lives of their own. It's not like there's nothing to get your hackles up in the news every day. Every time I log onto the computer, my start page has the top headlines from MSNBC, at least one of which is guaranteed to tick me off.

Even if you post every day, it doesn't guarantee participation. I've posted as many as four times in a day on my blog or LiveJournal, but that doesn't mean that even if someon reads it, they're going to want to talk about what I said. Find ways to publicize and make this blog somewhat unique and the hits will start trickling in.

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Kirk said...

I've only read this first post and I can already tell this is one of the greatest blogs ever to have been created by the human race. The only suggestion I have is that if you have to choose quantity or quality, go quantity, as that is what has made conservative blogs so successful. Think about it. When you go out to eat would you rather have a little something that tastes great or stuff your fat American face with a whole lot of stuff that tastes okay while saying in an astonished muffled voice, "Look at how much food they gave me for only 99 cents!" That's what has made this country great and is why we can feel good about bombing the Hell out of any country because we have tons of evidence whose Crayola colors makes it somewhat pleasant to consume. God bless this country and your blog!

At 6:20 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

Thank you very much, kirk. I will have to get to work posting real soon and hope my fellow contributors to get going too.

At 12:16 AM, Blogger Gayle said...

Just posted, Cody. It isn't much, but you know I run two full blogs pretty much full time. I will try to do better!

However, it is called "Blog America" and I think the screensaver I made certainly fits.

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I post for flags!! :)

Bring me a flag from another country and I'll promote your blog! :)


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