Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Culture of Anti-Americanism

America is an undeniably great country. We the people have control of our government, we're allowed guns, we have freedom of speech. Why would anyone hate a country as great as this? There are many answers to this. Fear, hate, envy, etc. But I'm not talking about the terrorists. I'm talking about people within our own culture! For as there are those that love America, there are those that hate it as well. I was planning to post on this anyway, but when Harry Belafonte came up in the news it was the perfect kind of post to write.

For those of you who don't know, Harry Belafonte, a Jamaican immigrant who has made a fortune in the U.S. selling albums (which is odd because his songs are awful) recently went to Venezuela to meet with none other then Hugo Chávez. Chávez long suspected of human rights abuses and voter fraud, is not exactly a friend of the United States. Yet Belefonte is over there saying such idiotic things as "no matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush says, we're here to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people ... support your revolution." Really? I'd like to know exactly which million he's talking about, because frankly I don't see many people on the street talking about Venezuelala or its political problems. Sadly Chávez believes this cuckoo left-wing singer over our government.

I'm not sure what would make people say this kind of garbage, but whatever it is, it is absolutely insane.

Links:, Wikipedia, The Daily Show (It's a news source, really!)


At 3:48 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

No one used to take Mr. Banana boat seriously. This gives me a good idea of who the following people are:

Chavez: an American-hating rat who just doesn't have enough power to actually do anything to us, just use some "celebrity" as a mouthpiece because he's too scared to say those things himself, at least to American press.

Belafonte: On the same thinking level as the modern Democratic party (see Howard Dean)

Here's an interesting story:

At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well well, looks like someone doesn't want to hurt her chances in '08.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Rick's Corner said...

I don't know what happened to good ol' Harry. Back in the 60's I could relate to him during the civil rights movement. Now, when he calls Colin Powell a house 'N' and who knows what about people like Condoleeza Rice, I think the man has lost it. Monday honors Martin Luther King Jr, and one of the phrases mentioned in his '63 March on Washington speech dealt with judging people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. I think he would be angered by what has happened to politics in the African American community, especially with people like Belafonte and Julian Bond. Bill Cosby berated Conservatives for years, now you'll notice that he has become fed up with the politics of demagoguery in the Black community.

Good to see you posting and helping the GOP. I am on the Exec Board here in Broward County Fla.

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who knows what about people like Condoleeza Rice

I believe he calls her Bush's slave. I heard it on the Rusty Humphries Show. It may not be him but there is one black Democrat who says that, can't recall the name. It's amazing how ridicolous people can be.

At 12:28 AM, Blogger Gayle said...

"Bush's slave!" Ha! That's priceless. With the money she's making I wish I could be "Bush's slave!" Grief... these people are insane!

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Rick's Corner said...

Gayle, this is a great blog.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Gayle said...

Thank you Rick. I'm sure you came here to reassure me because of the comment I left on your blog about worrying that this blog may be dying.

I hope it isn't. DrSaturos wrote an excellent post, but it's been pretty stagnant for awhile.

Thanks again, Rick! :)

At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bush's slave!" Ha! That's priceless.

Well obviouly Bush runs a plantation. You see him out there every day while Ray Nagin harvests coca beans.

(Boy I've been sarcastic of late.)

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grief... these people are insane!

That's definatly the right way to put it. Why the conspericy with those people anyway? It's wierd. No one ever accused Clinton of such outrages acts.

At 5:20 PM, Blogger Dr. Phat Tony said...

Of course it's a plantation in the house, you've heard of the majority whip right? That must be the guy that beats black people.

At 10:51 AM, Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

Belefonte and Gore must be drinking the same batch of kool-aid...

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Nightcrawler said...

It really makes you wonder just how insane people can be and just how many of them there are! To believe that these people are being taken seriously!

Have you noticed the resurgence in the popularity of Che Guevarra?

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! That's so creepy. A lady in our school (a teacher in fact) believes that Che was a hero and believed in freedom. She's nuts. And then today Hillary Clinton said the Judiciary branch was a "plantation."

At 2:04 AM, Blogger The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

A great book to read is "Anti-Americanism" by the French intellectual Jean-Francois Revell. I first heard the author on Dennis Prager, and that really kicked my political identification into overdrive after reading the book.

People need to quit worrying so much about what other countries think of us, when so many of these other countries do not have our best interest at heart. Quit with the guilt and the self-blame. We can be critical of ourselves, without the self-loathing. You'd think we were the only country who ever had slavery and imperialism in our past. Other countries behind glass borders need to take a long hard stare at themselves in the mirror before throwing stones.

At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People need to quit worrying so much about what other countries think of us, when so many of these other countries do not have our best interest at heart.

Amen to that. Maybe the French should thank us for saving their butts in WWII.

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Gayle said...

Well, it seems this blog is picking up a bit. Maybe we won't have to do away with it after all. I want to thank each of the commentors who have come in here. And Darksaturos for putting up something new! Way to go, Dark. Now if we could get some of the others back in here to post.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Nunzia said...

I couldnt agree more.


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