Friday, July 07, 2006

Looking For Nukes in All the Wrong Places?

Note: This post also appears on the blog But I Can Hear You.

Lately the focus of nuclear concern has been concentrated on North Korea. While North Korea is certainly a concern lately have we lost sight of the bigger picture? Yes North Korea is a threat. Yes North Korea is an enemy of the United States. But they're not Muslim extremists. They're still afraid to be nuked back. Unlike Iran. That's right Iran, you know, the country that was on the verge of creating a nuclear weapon a while back. Has America lost focus on Iran?

There's a huge difference between North Korea and Iran. For one thing we know North Korea had nuclear weapons, no surprise there. We are more likely to detect an attack by a country that we know to be dangerous. For another thing North Korea is not run by a Muslim extremist. North Korean culture, like almost all cultures on Earth, is ingrained with the fear of death. Middle Eastern culture does not have this fear. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be happy to suffer a nuclear attack for Allah. Iran is much more dangerous for these reasons.

Yet all the focus lately has been on North Korea. This is almost certainly due to the media's enthusiasm to find something new, which is understandable. They have a job to do, and part of that job is to find new things to talk about so people will watch them. But we, the American public, have no such obligation. We must focus on North Korea yes, but we must not lose our focus on Iran. Iran is a bigger threat to the Republic than North Korea, and if we forget this then we could be in some serious trouble.

Monday, July 03, 2006


This picture was taken by Mike at Mike's America. I stole it! Thanks Mike, it's absolutely gorgeous.


Democracy was born on July 4th, 1776 when we declared our independence from Britain. Our land, "the land of the free and the home of the brave" has been welcoming immigrants to this country ever since, a practice that has - for the most part - been very beneficial to us. All of our ancestors migrated here from another country, and they did it legally. Many immigrants from foreign countries still immigrate here legally, and we welcome them with open arms. But nowhere is it written in any of our historical documents that we should be welcoming illegal immigrants with open arms; that practice is blatantly unfair to those who come here legally, learn our language, and add to our workforce... again, and I stress it, legally, just as our ancestors did.

Numerous sacrifices are made by legal immigrants in order to come into this country. They may have to wait for weeks, months and even years for approval. Accepting illegal immigrants ahead of legal immigrants simply isn't a fair practice and will hurt this great country... correction: is hurting this great country as I write this. San Francisco is now opening it's arms and throwing out the red carpet for illegal immigrants, and so San Francisco has decided, yet again, to turn it's back on what is right and fair. Once upon a time a long time ago San Francisco was a place I cherished. It has been ruined now and I not only don't cherish it, I despise it for what it has let itself become. I, and many others, are doing whatever we can to ensure that this country does not let itself turn into a larger version of San Francisco.

To all of you conservative bloggers who really care about this country I offer a heartfelt thanks for what you do, and sympathy for the frustration you feel as you watch the hard left doing it's ever-loving best to turn America into a socialist nightmare, in which we will only be one step away from communism, and trust me, we won't remain one step away from communism for very long if the left has it's way!

Most of you reading this already know the following, but I'm going to post it anyway just in case someone who does not know it happens to read this. The following can be found at

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved. (emphasis is mine.)

So as we celebrate this anniversary of our independence, please let us be thankful that so far we are still a democracy (democracy having nothing in common with the Democratic party) and not living under socialism! As hard as the left has been working toward their goal, they have failed. This year we can celebrate the fact that this is so, and I pray that it will remain so forever.