America is a great and wonderful country and freedom is a great and wonderful thing - but there are many prices to pay for it. Obviously the sacrifice of lives in order to remain free is the greatest price of all, but there are other prices to pay. Here are ten of them:
1. We are free to disparage our President in times of war without getting shot.
2. We can tear, rip, burn, wear, or sit on and otherwise defile our flag without fear of going to jail.
3. Our media can make up stories and challenge us to prove they are false.
4. A major political party can make up stories and challenge us to prove they are false.
5. We can petition the Courts to remove "In God We Trust" from our legal tender.
6. We can petition the Courts to remove prayer from our schools.
7. We can give abortions to 13 year-old girl-children without their parents ever finding out they are pregnant.
8. We can go on national Television (like Murtha) and say things we know are false regarding the war effort and lie about the condition and morale of our troops.
9. We can use profanity all over the internet except on Blogs that don't allow it.
10. Last but not least, we are free to raise our children without any morality whatsoever.
Freedom is what America is all about and it is worth fighting and dying for. It's just a crying shame that so many Americans take such blatant advantage of it.